Saturday, May 5, 2012


Two weeks back I visited and managed to get myself 2 items. First item is the Da S Best Magic Hair Comb. It has really soft bristles and it feels very comfortable on the scalp. It helps to untangle hair and yes, it does make the hair slightly smoother. The best thing is that, it's only S$1.90! It's super cheap and I strongly recommend people with long hair to try this product!

The second item is the Superfine Facial Towel. It is made using superfine nanometer materials which are 250 times thinner than a hair. It is able to penetrate pores while cleaning face and also said to be able to remove blackheads as well. For me, it does work on my nose. It makes my nose shiny and smooth! It can be used for both male and female. And it's also only S$1.90!

Credits to

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