Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What women wants

I know it's a little random talking about this topic but I just want those man outside to know how we women actually feel.

1) Every women wants to feel loved and pampered
2) Money does not buy happiness
3) It's not all about work, time is not an obstacle. When you love someone, you'll definitely find time for that special someone
4) Just an hour dinner is better than nothing
5) (for me) I'd rather we stay home then spending money out - just being able to lie in your arms gives me happiness
6) (for me) I just want to know that you love me, not by words, but by actions - actions speaks louder than words
7) (for me) I don't ask you for anything, just simply being nice to me and all - since we only see each other twice a week - dote on me more
8) I never ever complained about anything (probably in the past) and all I want is some attention from you
9) A simple text from you whenever you're free - having lunch or breaks - but I receive none
10) Love me with everything you have

TOP TEN WANTS FROM A GIRL - or rather me?

Hope you'll see this.

I'm not being paranoid or what so ever. You just don't understand me well enough, don't understand how I feel as a girl. Please, be nicer to me will you?

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