Saturday, May 19, 2012

5th Month and still counting

From the title of this post, you'd know that it's our monthsary again! So as planned, we headed to Botanic Garden for picnic and kite flying. It's something I always wanted to do with him but never got the chance to do so and finally today's the day!

The weather was scotching hot and we perspired the whole time. Had a double date with sissy and her boyfriend! We found a spot under the tree(shade) and laid our picnic mat. Prepared sandwiches, cheese sausages and tidbits for our picnic! It felt rather awkward at first but better after we started flying our kites! I ran like an idiot trying to fly the damn kite but there wasn't any wind thus I ran for nothing. URGH. HOT LIKE FUQ. Boyfriend and I took turns to fly the kite but to no avail. Actually it managed to fly but it hit the ground after a while. It's damn annoying ah. But nevertheless, I did enjoy myself as it's a new experience with my baby!

Headed down to Hougang and back to Clementi for dinner!

Thanks for this fun-filled and wonderful day babylove! Sorry for being so emotional while we were over at your place. Please know that I love you, very much.


Model Look-a-like!

Happy 5th Monthsary babylove! Time passed so fast it's already been 5 months(or you can say 1 year 5 months)! Yes, we had many conflicts inbetween but nothing made us fall apart. Thanks for being so understanding and sweet all these while. Thanks for giving in to me whenever I throw temper and start being ridiculous. Thanks for doting and pampering me. You've been awesome baby, really wonderful. Thanks for making everything happen. Boy you're dope. I love you babyboo! 

how do you make a gif at

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