Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The names for my future child

I believe most of you have watched or rather have heard about this Hongkong drama called 妙手仁心 ( Healing hands). One of their main actress was named Jackie in that show. Ever since when I was in Secondary School and I watched this show, I fell in love with her name. It's like a unisex name and it sounds kinda cool for a girl to be named Jackie. Thus, my future daughter's name would be called Jackie __ Yi Xin :D And for my future son, I'll name him Ian. I find that Ian is an extremely cool name! Short, simple and sweet! Thus I'll name him Ian __ Yi Jie :D Give me some advice people! How are the names? Do leave comments! xoxo

1 comment:

TeckSooN LeoN said...

wats the chinese char for yi xin n yi jie? why yi xin / jie? hahas
any other names?